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How our essential oil blends are made?

All our essential oil blends are personalized and are made using one's Moon Sign.

After a morning prayer to the Sun God and Sree Dhanwanthari Moorthi asking for blessings, essential oils are mixed only from Shukla Paksha Dasami (10th day after new moon) till Krishna Paksha Panchami (5th day after full moon). We only use pure essential oils in our blends.

How to determine your Moon Sign?

Your Moon sign can be determined by a calculation of your full date, place and time of birth. An exact time of birth is always the most favorable, but even if you have an approximate time, depending on how close it is to the Moon changing signs, an astrologer can determine your Moon sign.




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Kallur Mana, Avinissery,Thrissur, Kerala, India 680306

Disclaimer: Astrology is an evolving body of knowledge and we thrive to provide you with humanly possible solutions  with experiences and original research being contributed by astrologers from around the world. Any data, interpretation, prediction or information in any form received through should not be treated as substitute for advice or treatment you would normally receive from medical professionals, financial advisors, legal consultants and other such licensed services. 

Owned by Kallur Mana

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