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Manipura Chakra/ Solar plexus chakra

The solar plexus chakra also called manipura in Sanskrit (which means lustrous jewel) is the centre of personal identity. It rules over aspects of our personality and ego, especially our sense of self-worth, self-esteem and personal identity. This ENERGY centre also influences self-confidence, personal power and freedom of choice ultimately, it helps us choose what and who are for our highest good.

The solar plexus chakra regulates an inner knowing and gut instincts about things and people. It develops in relationships, work, finances and areas of self-management and responsibility. As adults, we are required to establish a personal identity that defines who we are. Facing this challenge, our sense of self begins to emerge. This nurtures the solar plexus chakra and makes it expand. As our sense of self grows, is strong and resilient in accord develops.

Self-worth is the primary quality of the solar plexus chakra. Our personal identity often referred to as our ego, formed in family life, expands in young adult hood so that we can honour ourselves as we interact and negotiate with the world. Our true self is that part of us that is always whole and intact.

It is where truth, beauty and freedom abide. It is not affected by pain, Loss or trauma. Though life

appears difficult at times, we are made whole when we connect to the self. It is an awareness of Invaluable worth, esteem and true power. the self is more radiant than the sun.

Physical problems

Physical problems associated with an unbalanced solar plexus chakra are; indigestion, acid stomach, ulcers, hepatitis, gallstones, pancreatitis is and diabetes. (again, this is not medical advice and if you suffer from any of these symptoms you should seek the advice of a qualified medical practitioner.




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Kallur Mana, Avinissery,Thrissur, Kerala, India 680306

Disclaimer: Astrology is an evolving body of knowledge and we thrive to provide you with humanly possible solutions  with experiences and original research being contributed by astrologers from around the world. Any data, interpretation, prediction or information in any form received through should not be treated as substitute for advice or treatment you would normally receive from medical professionals, financial advisors, legal consultants and other such licensed services. 

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